It’s Showtime!

Sometimes, all roads lead to Rome.  For me, all roads led to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.  Many years ago, I was the editor of a journal for the International Association of Organ Teachers.  IAOT was having their annual convention in Valley Forge in tandem with a Home Organists Adventure, produced by Bill Worrall.  A month or so before the convention, organ artist Bill Irwin saw a book I had recently written (All About Registration), and was great encouragement to me.  He suggested that upon my arrival at the event, I should introduce myself to Bill Worrall, and offer to conduct a workshop if needed.  So, I did.   I knew I was prepared. In addition to writing the book, I had recently conducted several similar workshops in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, where I lived and worked at the time. Two days later, I received a very early call from Bill Worrall, asking me if I would be able to lead a workshop later that morning.  The person originally scheduled to appear was unable to make her flight.  I’m not a morning person, and was amazed that the voice that said “Certainly!” sounded eager and awake, even in its pre-coffee state.

I walked into a large convention room filled with the fans of the person who wasn’t there. Awkward! I introduced myself, explained the situation, and launched into the workshop based on my recently published book.  Thankfully, I had several copies of the book with me (ready to be submitted to the IOAT book review committee) to use for illustration and prompts.   I was off and running.

Bill Worrall sat in the back row, listening and evaluating. A few minutes into the workshop, I saw him slip out.  I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a good sign….or not…but I kept going.  Bill soon returned with one of the organ industry’s brightest stars.   They sat down together and listened.  Bill left again, and soon returned with another performing artist.

One by one, that back row began to fill with artists I admired but had never met. 

At the end of my presentation, I received a standing ovation, not only from the convention attendees, but from these well-known greats of the organ industry.  I was humbled and amazed.  I ended up selling all the books I had brought as review copies, and took orders for many more.  From that moment on, my career began to move in a very different direction.


  1. Thewitch says:

    Fabulous story!!! Just goes to show that sometimes it is best just to hold your breath, and dive in at the deep end!


  2. vrein11 says:

    Thank you for your amazing story!!


    1. Gail Masinda says:

      You’re welcome!


  3. KiwiBee says:

    Wow! What a great story and awesome experience to have. I really like how you personalized this Ring of Fire story and the way it moved away from the food topic. Great work! 🙂 Have you liked the direction your career has moved in?


    1. Gail Masinda says:

      Yes, I have been blessed with a marvelous career, and I will be writing more about it from time to time. (For a sneak peek at some of the highlights, look at “My Story”)
      Thanks for your kind and encouraging words!


  4. Karuna says:

    Wow…. I’m impressed. There is no way I could lead a workshop at the last minute. I often have nightmares before I teach a workshop, about not being sufficiently prepared.

    I’m happy you had such a wonderful outcome.


    1. Gail Masinda says:

      I’m certainly thankful things worked out the way they did! ‘Preparation’ and ‘opportunity’ certainly came together for me. I understand pre-workshop jitters. I had a wise friend who frequently reminded me that once the plans are made, the only thing left to do is DO IT!


      1. Karuna says:

        I like that advice!


  5. ms235 says:

    Thank you for this. I really enjoyed your write-up…not only your approach, but your story! Brought tears to my eyes! *love* was what first came to my mind. Congrats on being willing to ‘say yes’ regardless, and just do it! 🙂


    1. Gail Masinda says:

      You are welcome…and I agree with you about saying yes. That’s often the hardest part. We can be very critical of ourselves and abilities.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. MaiVang says:

    That’s awesome! You sound like a great leader. I hope you share some tips about your professional life on this blog too!


    1. Gail Masinda says:

      Thank you for the nudge to share some additional thoughts. I do enjoy leading group events, workshops, choir retreats and such.


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